The skeleton and tissue of an ocean fish illuminated against a black background

X-ray Vision: Fish Inside Out

May 16, 2014 - August 10, 2014

One part art, one part science, and all parts fun, X-ray Vision: Fish Inside Out is an exhibition featuring large radiographs that reveal the skeletal anatomy of select fish species from around the world, including the Upper Mississippi River. Artfully composed with striking elegance, these images are from the Smithsonian’s National Collection of Fishes, the largest and most diverse collection of fish specimens in the world.

Under the guidance of a handful of museum specialists, the care and level of detail required to produce these images is reminiscent of fine art printmaking. The exhibition includes 40 dramatic digital prints paired with illustrated labels that explore the scientific, environmental, and photographic relevance of each specimen. It is also accompanied with a stunning book titled Ichthyo: The Architecture of Fish (Chronicle Books, 2008).


X-ray Vision: Fish Inside Out is organized by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and:

Smithsonian Institution

Media Sponsor:

Winona Radio